Hosted by cast members Friday Jones and Joe "Jersey" Meinwieser
9pm | Drink SpecialsTAD specially crafted Way Station concoctions like a silky violet, enticingly-named shot called "The Tramp Stamp" and the "Lyle Tuttle" a spicy tequila and grapefruit combination that pays homage to the tattoo industry's 80 year old elder statesman and worldwide meme favorite.
10pm | Live MusicAsbury Park's Psychadelic power quad Geena and Dragster fronted by transgender alt legend Geena Buono.
10:30pm | Tattoo Comedy
11pm | Tattoos After DarkOxygen is broadcasting two episodes of Tattoos After Dark hosted by Friday Jones and Joe "Jersey" Meinwieser with audience Q&A between breaks. We'll be live streaming the entire party from FB! Hope to see you there! Yeah!